How do you find truth?

Questions on the realtionship between what we believe and what we practice.

July 13, 2018


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How do you find truth?

If you don't know the truth about something yet, then it comes by sharing your experiences about that something with others, discussing them and then coming to a consensus. Achieving this involves doing things to test its truthiness. But there's no absolute truth.

March 13, 2019

How do you find truth?

Nothing is universal. All is cultural, contextual, subjective, complex, changing, fluid, and profoundly nuanced.

February 20, 2019

How do you find truth?

By understanding that "truth" is varied and that seeing or hearing truth depends on where you are standing and how you are listening. Also, reading.

January 8, 2019

How do you find truth?

Be quiet. Pay attention.

July 23, 2018

How do you find truth?

It is relative. Anyone who tells you any different wants your money, time, or commitment.

July 23, 2018